
Mulch Installation And Mulching Serves Dual Purposes!

It looks good, but it also helps retain water, which can be very important during the dog days of summer.  Mulch keeps ground water from evaporating, thereby making some precious water available.  BUT, mulch applied haphazardly can actually be bad for the soil and the plants by compressing it too much, and not letting air in.  SO, you need someone who knows what they’re doing, and has done it before, so they get it JUST right.

So don’t assume just because mulching looks easy, that it is.  Like everything else in your landscape, there is more to it than meets the eye, and you will pay for a careless application.

Don’t just pick the lowest cost-spreader, get the pro’s who take everything that’s happening on your lawn seriously.  Pick Terra Lawn Care Specialists for your next mulch installation job.

Here's How Terra Does It:

1. We measure the height of the existing mulch and know how much is the right amount to add.

2. It’s important to measuring how compacted the existing mulch is, and turn it over if necessary.

3. Terra helps you choose the right mulch for the area it will cover.

Keep Those Flower Beds Looking Fresh And Healthy!

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