Home Pest Control Mosquito, Flea & Tick, and Perimeter Pests
Here at Terra we have developed a comprehensive program which is an all in one application to cover Mosquitoes, Fleas, Ticks, and Perimeter Pests to protect your family from dangerous pest throughout your property and save you money by giving much more value for your money. Our products are labeled for more than 30 pests such as mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and spiders. We will treat areas of your property where these harmful pests live so you can win back your backyard back and enjoy the space you have invested in again. These areas include wood lines, tall grass areas, shrubs, decks, swing sets, retaining walls, patio furniture and any low-lying areas where water could accumulate.
Our products have several modes of action which include a fast knockdown on pests that are present at the time of application and a superior long-lasting control to provide you and your family with protection. In addition to these, an insect growth regulator is applied which disrupts the insect life cycle so they cannot reproduce. All our products are approved by the World Health Organization. We strive to provide you with safe an effective approach unlike other companies who use cheap harmful chemicals which do not have a long residual control. Many other companies merely do as many applications as possible with total disregard for a better, more effective, and less expensive approach.
By using both Demand CS and Archer, the most effective products available, we are able to get unmatched results with only 6 applications beginning April and running through October each season. Most of our competitors use inferior Bifentherin and need to do 7 applications per season. By implementing our method, we are getting better results for less money!
We will give you control of mosquito, fleas, ticks, and perimeter pests in one application.
That’s just not good business.
Give us a call…you won’t be bitten anymore!!
Our team would be proud to serve you as our next customer.
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