Our hybrid organic program is designed to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizers and herbicides by using incorporating organics such as sea kelp and humic acid as well as using herbicides with a low Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ).
Our main goal is to support soil-building strategies utilizing carbon-based fertility. This soil-first approach focuses on balancing the soil chemically, biologically, and physically. By providing an optimum environment for the proliferation of beneficial microbes, the soil increases its ability to mobilize nutrients, buffer chemical soil reactions and create a system of “checks and balances” for disease suppression.
We use only low EIQ (Environmental Impact Quotient) products instead of less expensive, older formulations. By using Integrated Pest Management Practices, we can reduce the use of chemicals almost entirely and keep providing outstanding results.
Organic lawn fertilizers we select match soil structure and deliver optimum results within a particular time frame. Choosing our service avoids harmful chemicals and synthetic fertilizers. Grow your lawn organically to ensure soil health in the foreseeable future.
This tailor-made program consists of 6 subsequent applications completed over the course of the season.
We have high expectations for healthy organic lawns.
Our lawn care services provide complex organic solutions. As a result, you will receive essential nutrients that your lawn needs, in addition to insect and weed suppression. That’s not all. We will also perform a detailed soil analysis to determine macro and micronutrient deficiencies as well as pH levels. If imperfections are present, we will make recommendations on how to correct these issues. We have your back through the entire lawn care process.
We strive to have all our customers on organic programs. Still, we understand this may not always be possible in certain situations depending on environmental conditions, soil fertility, and turfgrass density. A Terra Lawn Care expert assessment, will provide carefully curated guides on products to grow healthy soil. This low-impact program significantly reduces lawn pesticides while improving your lawn’s overall health and appearance.
Total Organic Bio-Stimulant with Fertilizer and Low EIQ Crabgrass Preventer
A unique blend of over 30 organic raw materials provides a baseline program for the plant, root, and microbial stimulation. This treatment uses Trilogy to provide macro and micronutrients plus humic and fulvic acids to promote a healthy and active microbial population, resulting in stronger plants and healthier soils to survive the rigors of today’s lawn. Defendor, low-impact synthetic crabgrass, and broadleaf weed pre-emergent are also applied.
Soil Conditioner with Low EIQ Crabgrass Preventer and Broadleaf Weed Control
Sea 3, the ultimate soil conditioner. A blend of non-ionic wetting agents, humic acids, cultured living microorganisms, sea kelp, chelated iron, and complex carbohydrates is applied with Trilogy to provide food for microbes, stabilize soil moisture and open tight soils. A low-impact synthetic crabgrass preventer and post-emergent broadleaf control are also applied.
Potassium Phosphite with Fertilizer and Low EIQ Grub and Insect Control
ReGen-aPhite and Trilogy, a high-purity potassium phosphite, are applied. This will increase plant metabolism, vigor, and stress resistance by increasing the physical strength of the plants’ cell walls. Acelepryn, a low-impact synthetic preventative insecticide, is applied to control grubs and other leaf-feeding insects. It does not affect pollinators.
Potassium Phosphite with Organic Bio-Stimulant
ReGen-aPhite, a high-purity potassium phosphite, is applied. This will increase plant metabolism, vigor, and stress resistance by increasing the physical strength of the plant’s cell wall. In addition, Sea 3, a unique nutrient source combining trace elements, will be applied to reduce summer heat stress in your lawn.
Total Organic Bio-Stimulant with Fertilizer and Low EIQ Broadleaf Weed Control
A unique blend of over 30 organic raw materials provide a baseline program for a plant, root, and microbial stimulation. This treatment uses a blend of ReGen-aMin and Trilogy to provide macro and micronutrients plus humic and fulvic acids to promote a healthy and active microbial population, resulting in stronger plants and healthier soils to survive the rigors of today’s lawn. In addition, defendor, a low-impact synthetic broadleaf weed control, will be applied.
Potassium with Organic Fertilizer and Low EIQ Broadleaf Pre-emergent
This application effectively protects your lawn from cold winter stresses. Trilogy potassium fertilization is often recommended to improve turfgrass wear tolerance as well as survival during periods of cold, heat, and drought stresses. Defendor, a low-impact broadleaf pre-emergent, is applied to reduce any early spring weeds for the upcoming year.
Topdressing your property with a kiln dried compost is one of the best things you can do to feed your soil and move toward a natural lawn.
Aeration and Overseeding: We use Winning Colors Turf Type Tall Fescue seed for this service due to its aesthetically pleasing appearance, drought tolerance and disease resistance. We will aerate your property in 2 directions and overseed at a rate of 6 lbs of seed per 1000 sf. A thick dense stand of turf will look amazing and also crowd out weeds to naturally control their growth.
We are passionate about our job and happy to discuss the details of organic lawn care services. If you are interested in the products we use, we have attached facts sheets for you to review. Click on the thumbnail below to view the full version of the documents.
Our team would be proud to serve you as our next customer.
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